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The Man Who Rewrote Human History


Professor | Scientist | Philosopher | Author

Meet the Father of The Oqual Cycle born to guide humanity and shine light in a world often shrouded in darkness as anyone who has ever crossed Father Farooq's path knows too well due to his magnetic aura coupled with high-frequency resonance that makes him stand out from the crowd.  

While deeply loathed yet often feared for his luminosity amongst shadow dwellers, those who cross Father Farooq's path often get blown away by his brutal candor and a breath of fresh air.

A truly authentic human being and a visionary whose writings frequently challenge age-old societal evils such as the trio of capitalism-democracy-and-freedom (cadfree) that he has concluded to be nothing more than a euphemism for waste-fraud-and-abuse (wafra), Father Farooq is blessed with a divine light to see right through the dark forces in our society. 

Make no mistake, few in this world are called upon for a higher purpose in life.

That the job of illuminating the world through the wisdom of The Oqual Cycle would fall upon the dependable shoulders of this intrepid and indomitable man is the ultimate proof of Father Farooq's lifelong altruism and devotion toward the betterment of human society.  

Nor should anyone feel intimidated by Father Farooq's authenticity but rather use his divine gift as a guiding light to their own advantage in order to see the true meaning of life beyond the selfish and material pursuit of one's career goals and forever being trapped in the infamous rat race.  

"Be a human being, not a rattus capitalicus", asserts Father Farooq. 

Few are awarded what has today become the rather tainted Nobel Prize in that many among their ranks tend to be outright fraudsters-imposters-and-monsters. Even fewer earn a place in history. Hardly anyone becomes immortal through their legacy—a rare virtue to have befallen Father Farooq courtesy of The Oqual Cycle that would eventually come to be viewed as the discovery of the millennium.

That Father Farooq can already see the timeless impact of his work on humanity in the decades and centuries to come is all the more remarkable for what was once a little-known goatherder though having long been renowned for his breathtaking vision and sensory intuition as he set about carving out his own path in life from an early age in lieu of following the infamous herd. 

How did a little-known goatherder from an unlikely corner of the world end up rewriting human history? 

In 1971, Amjad took his first breath in a nondescript abode planted in the middle of nowhere in a poverty-stricken family of peasants in rural Mirpur—a city located in the foothills of Himalayas in the northeastern region of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan.

Amjad's early life set the tone for what would turn out to be an example of what can be achieved in life provided that one channels their energy to what matters in life rather than beating the bushes in a futile cycle.

With no tellies or tubbies at his disposal, Amjad's childhood rather centered upon herding goats, riding donkeys, and the crushing marks of thorns on the soles of his feet bear testament to the hard work ethic that embodies his soul.

In 1985, at the tender age of thirteen, the opportunity to immigrate to England offered Amjad a new lease on life.

Equipped with only a handful of words of the host language coupled with a setting that could not have been more alien to that of his upbringing in his native Kashmir, England presented Amjad with nothing short of a culture shock.

Yet, Amjad would rise to the challenge against all odds—a feature that would become the epitome of his later life.

Although he faced many hurdles early-on in his new hunting ground, it was not long before Amjad discovered that his passion lay in science and that scientific curiosities challenged his innermost conscience.

Notwithstanding the family pressure to pursue medicine, Amjad began to prioritize science (or what are these days called the STEM subjects) from around mid-teens—STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Through his hard work and passion combined with the opportunity for top-notch pre-baccalaureate education courtesy of Bradford College in Northern England, Amjad rose through the academic ranks quickly and with flying colors.   

Although a physics whiz, Amjad's interest in understanding the intricacies of life meant that he had to settle for an undergraduate degree in a biomedical science.

In 1994, Amjad obtained his Baccalaureate Scientia (BSc) with top distinctions underscored by a First Class Honors in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester in Northern England.

Next, Amjad effectively moved to the Imperial College London to undertake doctoral research on bacteriorhodopsin—a proton pump that converts sunlight into chemical energy in the so-called halobacteria.

In 1998, after obtaining his Philosophie Doctorate (PhD) from the University of London and further being honored through the award of the Diploma of Imperial College (DIC), Dr Farooq relocated to what was then the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan with a highly competitive postdoctoral fellowship, courtesy of the UK Wellcome Trust, in order to not only broaden his scientific and cultural horizons but to also look for greener pastures.

In 2004, Dr Farooq's exceptional scientific productivity and promise as an independent scholar during the course of his postdoctoral training led to his recruitment at the tenure-track rank of Assistant Professor at the Leonard Miller School of Medicine of the University of Miami in South Florida.

In 2012, Professor Farooq's continuing high scientific productivity was further rewarded with a promotion to the tenured-rank of Associate Professor at the University of Miami—where today he remains actively involved in research and education.

In 2023, Professor Farooq's lifelong commitment to science finally paid off more than he could have ever bargained for when he first set out on a solo mission to conquer the world on the back of having herded goats and ridden donkeys, as he puts it, after he published his seminal book The Oqual Cycle (2023) and for which he earned the honorary award of Doctor of Oquadynamics (DOQ) from the Oquannium Xpress.

In 2024, the honorary title of Father of Oqual Cycle (FOC) was bestowed upon Professor Farooq by Oquannium Xpress in recognition of the potential of his life's work to come to be seen as the discovery of the millennium in hindsight and the like of which has never come to fruition since the discovery of heliocentrism by Copernicus during the 16th century.

"While Newton's discovery of universal gravitationalism has already been superseded by Einstein's relativitism with the latter itself set to be unseated by a more complete picture in the centuries and millennia to come, Farooq's oqualism is however set in stone and will forever hold its own till eternity", reflects Father Farooq with a broad smile painted across his face.   

In his leisure time, Father Farooq leads an active life and avidly writes on deeply intellectual-and-philosophical topics that few, if any, have the wisdom-and-intrepidity to explore to add to a breath of fresh air-and-candor rarely on display in today’s society mired in sociopolitical upheaval. 

Not to mention that Father Farooq has already vowed to devote every ounce of the rest of his life to furthering the theory of oqual cycle and, in particular, setting out clear-cut guidelines on how humanity could potentially eliminate much of injustice and foul-play from among its ranks should it dare to pay heed to this unavoidable 84-year rhythm having accompanied us since the beginning of times and set to have us in tow till eternity.  

Although a biophysicist by trade with over 100 scientific articles and books across four decades, Father Farooq is best characterized as a polymath whose working knowledge transcends fields as diverse as astronomy, economy, climatology, psychology, sociology, geopolitics, history, and religion to add to his impeccable polyglotticity stretching from basic command of Spanish-French-and-Arabic through fluency in Punjabi-Urdu-and-Hindi to philosophical-and-metaphorical execution in English. 

Powered by such a deeply analytical and culturally-diverse background coupled with a fearless mind renowned for pulling no punches, nothing could have perhaps been more fitting than the fact that a hitherto unknown rhythm as central as oqual cycle to understanding the inner workings of our society would be unearthed by none other than the one-and-only Father Farooq.

What triggered a biophysicist to shift his focus from studying thermodynamics of protein society to unraveling the sociodynamics of human society?

It is said that luck plays a central role in the pursuit of big discoveries and that every cloud comes with a silver lining though one must have golden wisdom to capitalize on it.

And capitalize Father Farooq did when his laboratory was denied federal funding time and again during the Teenies (or 2010s) in the midst of his prime years not only because his outstanding scientific productivity was a much-touted model for his peers to emulate but more so due to the fact that he fearlessly vowed to continue doing fundamental research rather than don a hoodwinking cloak and pursue utter garbage that was politically sound but scientifically fraud—a scenario that a vast majority of today's apparently celebrated scientists have indeed been pursuing over the past couple of decades though it should be hardly jarring given that the societal pendulum swings well over to the left as we begin to navigate the second half of oqual cycle which we have indeed been doing so since the outset of 21st century.

Unshackled by the pressure to conform to herd mentality and pursue what everyone else was doing, Father Farooq would enter a defining period of bewildering wilderness during which he often found himself unsure of where his scientific breakthrough would come from.

As luck would have it, Father Farooq's curiosity and polymathy coupled with multi-dimensional freedom at his fingertips, he would stumble upon the observation that it was not only his own scientific career that had been severely hamstrung as it underwent a diametric change of fortunes over the span of his rather young life but that almost everyone else around him had also seen their fortunes evaporate, or at the very minimum, they were coerced into following the big herd or face the axe should they continue to pursue what set their pulse racing every morning.

To make sense of such bizarre societal madness that he suspected could be due to a cyclical phenomenon, Father Farooq wholeheartedly turned his analytical and scientific mind toward unraveling this potentially earth-shattering theory.

Coincidentally, the weaponization of the outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic (2019-2023) by the powers-that-be to choke and instill fear into our society's veins through draconian and self-destructive measures from mandated lockdowns to mandatory vaccinations would only serve to heighten his resolve of unlocking the mystery of a cyclical phenomenon that could account for the triumph of such evil every now and then on our shores. 

While much of the world was hunkering down in 2020, Father Farooq upped the ante on his mission to crack the code and continued to go about his life as if nothing had transpired and in no small part comforted by his scientific knowledge that the odds of an individual falling prey to what was undoubtedly a deadly pathogen were miniscule due to the highly polymorphic nature of the ACE2 receptor located on the host's lung tissue—that is indeed the primary reason why so many young and healthy individuals succumbed to death upon contracting the coronavirus, all the while so many octogenarians did not even break a sweat likely due to the unique conformation of their ACE2 receptor that must have apparently denied the intruder entry into their lung tissue, thereby averting the onset of life-threatening pneumonia.

Powered by his scientific knowledge that if a genuine cycle does indeed orchestrate the reins of our society, then it must be characterized by a fixed periodicity and that it must also be under the thumb of a celestial body in a manner akin to the fact that our daily and annual rhythms are governed by the Earth's motions.

Before too long, his mathematically-driven work stretching as far back as a millennium in some cases would handsomely pay off against the backdrop of the 2020 Great Lockdown when he finally had a moment of epiphany and noticed a remarkable correlation between the changing sociopolitical fortunes of our society and the progression of Uranian year with an orbital frequency of 84 years—with the ice giant's southern spring-and-summer seasons corresponding to a multidecadal period underscored by an overall prosperity on earth dubbed the "first half", and its southern autumn-and-winter seasons coinciding with a multidecadal period of an overall meltdown of our society dubbed the "second half", with each stage lasting some 42 years on average.

The rest is of course history. 

Arguably, the discovery of oqual cycle ranks among some of the most seminal breakthroughs of our civilization from terraspherism to heliocentrism.

Like all paradigm-shifting discoveries from terraspherism to heliocentrism that took centuries before they became widely accepted among the literati of earlier times, the oqual cycle will also be put on trial for centuries to come before it goes mainstream as the world finally begins to pay heed to its dire spell on our society.     

"While humans may be quick to co-opt new technologies, they are however notoriously slow and lackadaisical when it comes to upgrading their knowledge of the physical world due to their deeply-ingrained herd mentality", Father Farooq laments.   

"The truly-gifted minds however do not need to wait centuries but should rather begin to navigate their future with rational wisdom lent by the oqual cycle in lieu of continuing to live in blissful ignorance", Father Farooq quips. 

What makes this humble man stand out of the crowd and act as a beacon of hope in our dark world? 

In 2024, four years after he had his moment of epiphany that led to the conception of oqual cycle in 2020, Father Farooq would encounter yet another rendezvous with destiny that he calls his eureka moment—when during a period of introspection and spiritual awakening, it all of a sudden occurred to him that his perpetual stream of extreme trials and tribulations coupled with being ostracized and repudiated by everyone at home and work throughout-and-at every turn of his personal and professional life in spite of angelic intentions from going beyond the call of duty, adding a perfectionist touch to every presentation and publication spun out by his deeply analytical mind, being one of the most effective mentors to have ever set foot on earth, and challenging students to bring the best out of them yet drawing their indignation and being reprimanded was no random coincidence but rather written in the stars thanks to having been born as The Chosen One with a divine mission to sacrifice his own material life on the altar of guiding those who have gone astray and act as a guiding light to show them the path of truth.      

Unbeknown to him until 2024, having been acting as a bright mirror throughout his life to subconsciously reflect the insecurities of those who dwell in shadows as most do in our society coupled with his high-intensity beacon casting a shadow over their dark plans, it makes perfect sense in hindsight as to why Father Farooq's luminosity had always been his Achilles' heel as it not only projected him as a threat to those who seek refuge in dark corners but also left him in solitude throughout much of his life though to his advantage as such a shot in the arm at every stage would merely serve to electrify him further to continue to be even more authentic rather than conform to the wishes of the herd. 

Not to mention that powered by his divine intuition, Father Farooq has been driven by his instinct throughout his life and has never felt the need to follow anyone, nor the desire to being mentored, or even the urge to network with others in order to advance his career through quid pro quo as virtually all rats do, and in doing so, they find themselves dedicating more time to bootlicking than doing their work—the dark forces in our society unfortunately not only reward and reinforce such sycophantic behavior but it seems to be the only way to get ahead of the game in our dark world only visible to those with a clean heart and clear conscience. 

In fact, Father Farooq never understood from a young age as to why rats flock to see and hear what they call "visionaries" but who have always appeared to him as nothing more than imposters and self-serving propagandists. 

For example, Father Farooq viewed democracy as an evil force from a young age due to which he never felt the need to ever exercise what the gangsters call "democratic rights" but what he refers to as "evil forces" that only serve to breed more evil and help it to thrive to new heights—he often sums up society's trials and tribulations as a guaranteed outcome of one reaping what they plant or those who plant thorns will only see thorns not flowers blooming in their lives.

Father Farooq's intuition also helped him to see right through the climate propagandists during the Noughties before it even took off though he could not account for the apparent global warming until the discovery of the oqual cycle in 2020 as he undertook the arduous task of analyzing the climate data all by himself in order to see the hidden truth that the rats never saw due to their herd mentality and their dark side constantly egging them on to capitalize on chaos.      

"Hardly anyone is blessed with it but those who are, intuition is their sixth sense that processes some of the most complex data in our universe even beyond the reach of the most powerful computer", notes Father Farooq.   

Least of all, seeking the limelight nor the external validation of his work or the lack of nuance has ever been Father Farooq's modus operandi as he believes that truth eventually surfaces and speaks for itself, and that those who shine light on truth are nothing more than vehicles of transformation and betterment of our society.    

Therein perhaps lies the secret to Father Farooq's unparalleled success in life to add to his immortality as he will surely continue to forever live after having illuminated the world with the wisdom of the oqual cycle till eternity. 

"Professors are a dime a dozen. Laureates are minted every year. Fathers set foot on earth only once in a lifetime.", proclaims Father Farooq as he fires multiple shots across the bow of his low-life backbiters and one-trick ponies devoid of even an iota of wisdom outside their circus show.