That human society experiences long periods of peace and prosperity followed by protracted spells of chaos and meltdown in a manner similar to the perennial relationship between summer and winter is a story that has been told ad nauseum in virtually every civilization since the beginning of recorded times.
Yet, unlike the annuality of summer and winter, we have hitherto never understood the exact timing of such a tale of contrasting fortunes that befall humanity in order to unpack and make sense of the recurring trials and tribulations of our society.
Enter the oqual cycle.
With a periodicity of exactly 84 years due to its coupling with the orbitality of Uranus around the Sun, it is indeed the oqual cycle that has continued to elude every civilization and scholar alike up till now as embodied in the seminal book titled The Oqual Cycle (2023).
According to what will eventually come to be viewed as the discovery of the millennium, human civilization experiences a tale of two contrasting halves over a period of 84 years in a manner akin to how our lives are dictated by two antagonistic halves over the course of a year due to the perpetual nexus between summer and winter.
More specifically, human civilization becomes corrupted and unsustainable due to the tumorigenesis of evil forces at every societal level over a period of 84 years and, in doing so, it triggers a global reset so as to usher in a new dawn of hope and prosperity in a way similar to the beginning of a new year.
Alas, such a societal reboot does not occur spontaneously but rather only after humanity is doled out a severe retribution from hell so as to come to its senses and get back on the right track after having lost the direction.
That is exactly what we are witnessing today across much of the globe in the footsteps of our forefathers who experienced an eerily-similar zeitgeist in their own lifetime during the 1940s, 1850s, 1770s, and so on.
Fortunately, Mother Nature has blessed us with the oqual cycle that lends us a subtle mechanism to break ties with our vile and dysfunctional system once every 84 years on average just as we hit a nadir as is the case across much of the globe today.
Unfortunately, the oqual cycle culminates with an apocalyptic bang that is all but obligatory to purge our society of evil forces so as to lend us a new start on our sociopolitical front.
Given that we are in the midst of the latter stages of the current oqual cycle (1955-2038), a new dawn of good-old-shiny-happy days where justice and prosperity for the masses are once again restored in our society is set to arrive some time between annus horribilis (2028) and annus mirabilis (2039) after the dust from the looming armageddon settles in about a decade or so.
Admittedly, we must pay the piper for our collective sins from overconsumption through destruction of environment to exploitation of the weak and vulnerable over the past several decades.
Like a coming winter, the looming armageddon is obligatory for revitalization of our society and therefore cannot be averted.
In short, the laws of nature have been breached to the hilt and the retribution must be meted out for such transgressions in a manner akin to the parable of a criminal who is destined to never make amends until they get punched right in the face.
What does the oqual cycle have in store for humanity over the coming decade?
It is noteworthy that it is during the second half of oqual cycle that the societal pendulum begins to swing to the left when evil begins to rear its ugly head and reaches a climax circa what is dubbed "annus horribilis" of oqual cycle as is the case across much of the globe today with the next annus horribilis (2028) barely years away and its earlier counterparts having befallen humanity in 1944, 1860, 1776, 1692, 1608, and 1524 since the birth of Modern Age in 1451—separated by exactly 84 years, the decade centered on each aforementioned annus horribilis of oqual cycle witnessed nothing short of a hell-on-earth.
Admittedly, almost every facet of our society from sociopolitics through economy to climate has been steadily turning upside down since the outset of 21st century so much so that many have become resigned to admit that they no longer recognize the beautiful world they once grew up in and have quietly begun to adapt to the new normal as if it were here to stay till the end of times due to their ignorance of the oscillatory behavior of our society's socioeconomic health.
In line with the recurring spell of oqual cycle, a new dawn of hope and prosperity reminiscent of those good old days from the second half of 20th century is however set to return to our shores in about a decade or so after we have paid the piper for our collective crimes amassed over the past several decades from the destruction of environment through exploitation of the poor to the normalization of immorality at every societal level.
Being a direct by-product of our society having ditched truth and meritocracy on the altar of promoting lies and mediocrity, the looming armageddon has in fact already descended upon some of us from Gaza to Haiti and will soon pay almost every corner of the world a visit as we approach annus horribilis (2028).
As we find ourselves teetering on the toes of the 84th anniversary of the previous annus horribilis (1944), the looming armageddon will likely make World War II (1939-1945) look like a stroll in the park given that each oqual cycle reaches crescendo circa annus horribilis with a bang that dwarfs its predecessor due to the availability of evermore deadly killing machines at the disposal of powers-that-be.
Not only are the odds of the ongoing armageddon slowly morphing into a nuclearcalypse over the next decade statistically very high but such a catastrophe is all but obligatory to purge our society of its excesses and imbalances so as to usher in a global reset once every 84 years on average.
In other words, our society having already lost its moral compass cannot rediscover its mojo unless it is handed due retribution for its wrongdoings in a manner similar to the fact that a criminal will never change their behavior until they get punched in the face.
To say that an armageddon is a prerequisite for breaking ties with our dysfunctional zeitgeist would be a huge understatement.
While the ongoing armageddon bloating into an 800-kiloton nuclear gorilla is unavoidable in that the crime has already been committed and the punishment must therefore be handed out, the future generations can however avert the return of such a hell-on-earth to our shores once every 84 years should they care and dare to pay heed to the dire spell of oqual cycle on our society and set about making right choices from the get-go in order to keep the toxic excesses and imbalances at bay.
The spell of oqual cycle on our society is indeed stochastic rather than deterministic.
Still, those who disregard the dire spell of oqual cycle will be doing so at their own peril in that they will surely be inviting an otherwise avoidable armageddon onto their shores in the centuries to come.
Meanwhile, those of us who are lucky enough to survive the looming armageddon will have a beautiful world to look forward to.
To add icing on the cake, today's toddlers and babies born over the next decade or so will be the luckiest in a lifetime in a manner akin to the babies born during the 1930s and 1940s—there is indeed a reason why much of today's generation of elderly have always viewed the world through rose-colored glasses, all the while most of those in their prime years today view the world as nothing more than a mafia where might is right rather than what is actually right.
With the potential to transform the world into a more just society and avert the return of an armageddon to our shores once every 84 years, the oqual cycle lends breathtaking wisdom that humanity has hitherto never had though few have the guts to face the truth even though its spell on our lives is here to stay till the end of times.
La ignorantia del oqual cycle non excusat!
What are the Twelve Commandments of the oqual cycle?
The Twelve Commandments (or key characteristics) of the oqual cycle are as follows:
Celestial driver—Like its daily and annual counterparts, the oqual cycle is also under the thumb of a celestial body due to its coupling with the orbitality (84.02 years) of Uranus around the Sun. Not only does such cosmic coupling bestow upon the oqual cycle a constant periodicity of 84 years but it even runs on a preset and systematic calendar such that we can plan our lives decades in advance in a manner akin to how our awareness of the 24-hour and 12-month rhythms empowers us to respectively schedule our daily chores and annual rituals in advance. Just as we add an extra day to every fourth annual cycle to maintain our synchronicity with the Sun, so too the addition of an extra year to the oqual rhythm will be required for every 50th oqual cycle or so. It is noteworthy that the current oquannium spans the period 1955-2038, the previous one ran from 1871-1954, and the next one is poised to stroll between 2039-2122. A period of exactly 84 years, the oquannium is to the oqual cycle what the annum is to the annual cycle.
Two halves—The oqual cycle is essentially a perpetual tale of two contrasting halves, with each lasting some 42 years on average. While the first half oversees a multidecadal period of relative peace and prosperity on our shores, the second half is however mired in chaos and meltdown as for example has been the case across much of the world during the second half (1997-2038) of the current oquannium (1955-2038) in stunning echoes of the second half (1913-1954) of the previous oquannium (1871-1954) and the second half (1829-1870) of the ante-previous oquannium (1787-1870).
Four seasons—Like the Uranian year, the oqual cycle is also divided into a quartet of 21-year seasons beginning with spring-and-summer (first half) and ending with autumn-and-winter (second half). Each oqual cycle begins with a honeymoon in tandem with the arrival of spring and ends in a cataclysm with the departure of winter once every 84 years.
Four generations—The constantly-changing spell of oqual cycle not only affects the fortunes of our society but it even conditions our lives at an individual level such that each oqual season correlates with the genesis of a new generation harboring a unique set of social characteristics. Why for example some people view the world through rose-colored glasses and the society as primarily being a crowd of good people, all the while others perceive the world around them to be largely exploitative and individuals as mostly evil. Such diametrically-opposite experiences are indeed very much shaped by the differential spell of oqual cycle on our lives in that the first half is underscored by societal good in large quantities, while evil rears its ugly head across every walk of life during the second half. More specifically, one can rationalize the differential spell of oqual cycle on our lives through subdividing our society into four distinct generational cohorts dubbed G1-G4, which respectively correspond to the quartet of 21-year oqual seasons from spring (G1) and summer (G2) to autumn (G3) and winter (G4). While the G4 cohort is the luckiest among all oqual generations, the G2 cohort is however the most ill-fated. The oqual generations are indeed the effect rather than the cause of oqual cycle.
Solar-powered engine—Like its daily and annual counterparts, the oqual cycle is also powered by solar energy courtesy of the master orchestrator of our world. Still, the ultimate task of attuning the Sun’s radiation so as to produce a multidecadal temperature wave oscillating in lockstep with the 84-year rhythm falls to Uranus. This is very much similar to how the 24-hour and 12-month temperature waves respectively drive our more familiar daily and annual cycles. Notably, the rising temperatures witnessed over the past several decades or so across the globe represent the heat differential necessary to drive the oqual cycle in lieu of such global warming being a direct consequence of anthropogenic activities. Likewise, the rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are the effect rather than the cause of such global warming, which for its part is in fact a hallmark of the second half of oqual cycle with global cooling reigning supreme during the first half.
Stochastic nature—While intrinsically deterministic due to its cosmic nature, the spell of oqual cycle is however stochastic in that it results from an interplay between a plethora of societal factors and celestial forces. This is akin to the fact that while we cannot avert the return of our more familiar winter every year, we can however mitigate its impact on our lives through making prudent choices as for example stocking up on plenty of food in advance and choosing to stay put at home rather than take the risk of cutting our lives short through taking to the highway in the midst of a snowstorm.
Quasi-canonical spell—While the globe as a whole is guaranteed to revel in a new dawn of hope and prosperity on the back of tumultuous decades as the oqual cycle draws to a close in what is dubbed the “canonical spell”, this however may not necessarily be the case for every nation due to atypical sociopolitical factors at play such that they could delay the arrival of a new dawn until the second half rolls around in what is framed as the “non-canonical spell”. The quasi-canonical spell of oqual cycle seems to be the single most important factor to have eluded seasoned historians for being without a polymathic background, making sense of such an intricate layer to add to its already-colorful tapestry would be an impossible nut to crack.
Annus mirabilis—The 1st year of oqual cycle that all but guarantees the beginning of good times if they have not already arrived on our shores years earlier than anticipated after the dust from the sociopolitical fallout from the previous oquannium has settled. In particular, the decade centered on annus mirabilis marks the beginning of several decades of relative peace and prosperity ahead. For example, good times began across much of the globe around annus mirabilis (1955) of the current oquannium (1955-2038) as fondly remembered through the likes of Golden Age in America, the Swinging Sixties in Britain, and Les Trente Glorieuses in France. Likewise, some 84 years before, annus mirabilis (1871) of the previous oquannium (1871-1954) also heralded decades of relatively happy times as epitomized by the likes of Gilded Age in America, the Late Victorian Era in Britain, and La Belle Époque in France. Expect happy times to befall humanity across much of the globe once more after the nuclear dust from the looming armageddon has settled in over a decade or so just as the next oqual cycle (2039-2122) comes knocking on the door.
Annus turnilis—The 43rd year of oqual cycle that marks its midpoint (or turning point) when the fortunes of human society steadily begin to turn upside down and usher in decades of chaos ahead until they morph into an insoluble Rubik’s cube as the oqual rhythm reaches crescendo. Notably, the turning point is underscored by an archetypal crisis during the decade centered upon annus turnilis though none has ever paid heed to such a harbinger of things to come over the decades that followed. For example, the decades-long 9/11 Wars (2001-2021) followed shortly after the arrival of annus turnilis (1997) of the current oquannium (1955-2038). Likewise, some 84 years earlier, World War I (1914-1918) erupted on the heels of annus turnilis (1913) of the previous oquannium (1871-1954). While run-of-the-mill conflicts break out throughout the oqual cycle, large-scale protracted wars such as World War I and the 9/11 Wars not only befall humanity once-in-a-lifetime but they also serve as a primer (or precursor) to plunge the human society into an even greater sociopolitical chaos that ultimately leads to the outbreak of apocalyptic wars such as the World War II (1939-1945) and its most recent archetype in the ongoing World War III (2022-date) as the oqual cycle draws to a close.
Annus horribilis—Statistically being the most harrowing year of the oqual cycle for humanity as a whole, annus horribilis is the 74th year of this cosmic orchestra during which Uranus encounters its southern winter solstice once every 84 years. With the next one barely years away in 2028, annus horribilis essentially marks the midwinter point of a 21-year southern Uranian winter. Those well-versed in history should note that annus horribilis is indeed as horrible as it gets with the previous heptad having befallen humanity in 1944, 1860, 1776, 1692, 1608, 1524, and 1440. For its part, the next heptad of annus horribilis is already written in the stars with 2028, 2112, 2196, 2280, 2364, 2448, and 2532 all but guaranteed to plunge humanity into an existential crisis in a never-ending 84-year rendezvous of our society with destiny.
Ominous decade—Centered on annus horribilis, the ominous decade of the oqual cycle is its most catastrophic decade with the current one (2023-2033) having already kicked off and being a rerun of its predecessor (1939-1949) that unfolded on our shores exactly 84 years earlier. Just as the world began to rise from the ashes and pick up the pieces from the fallout of the previous oqual cycle (1871-1954) as the previous ominous decade (1939-1949) ground to a halt, a similar plot is already in the making as we find ourselves in the midst of the current ominous decade (2023-2033) with World War III (2022-date) set to come of age circa 2028 and a nuclear armageddon all but guaranteed circa 2033. While it is already too late to avert the coming nuclear apocalypse destined to unfold circa 2033 due to the fact that it is already written in the oqual stars for our past transgressions, the upshot here is that a similar outcome could however be staved off as the next ominous decade (2107-2117) comes around in 84 years from now should humanity dare to pay heed to the deadly spell of oqual cycle as it comes home. Alas, humans are notorious at learning from their past and it could be centuries rather than decades that the fallout from the oqual cycle is finally reined-in in a manner akin to how our awareness of the annual cycle equips us to cope with the frigid winters and humid summers.
Oqual winter—Centered on annus horribilis, the oqual winter is the final and the deadliest 21-year season of the oqual cycle with humanity already being in the midst of one (2018-2038) courtesy of the current oqual cycle (1955-2038) with its forerunner (1934-1954) having transpired on our shores exactly 84 years earlier. Those who fail to see parallels between the current oqual winter (2018-2038) and the previous oqual winter (1934-1954) must have eyes with which they see not, ears with which they hear not, hearts with which they feel not, and minds with which they think not as is unfortunately the case with much of humanity due to having been evolutionarily programmed to follow the herd though there is rarely safety in numbers in our today’s hi-tech world as opposed to navigating our path through a canopy of forest trees. Given that our biological evolution lags behind our technological evolution by at least millennia, our world is unfortunately set to remain a society of wooly sheep rather than become a society of quantum leap as it would continue to miss the forest for the trees for quite some time to come. That is all the more damning considering the pun that crossing a sheep with a kangaroo begets a wooly jumper. Whoever said that the winter is coming must surely have had the oqual cycle in mind.